The Hanmaum PE Contest of Daihyun Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:20:53

Do you know what "Hanmaum" means in English? Hanmaum means one heart in English. The Hanmaum PE contest is one of the biggest festivals of Daihyun Middle School. This contest is held on May 6th in both gymnasium and schoolyard in Daihyun Middle School. The biggest feature of this contest is cooperation. Every student can participate in and enjoy this contest.

Ms. Kim, a third-grade student in Daihyun Middle School said that her favorite subject is PE, so she cannot wait for the PE contest. She said that there are various activities in the contest such as running, soccer, dodgeball, jump rope, and other cooperative activities. She said that there is also a dance stage of the dance club, Tempo. She informed me that every student has to clean around school after the contest. Lastly, she said that she could not enjoy this event last year because of COVID-19. She hopes that all students in Daihyun Middle School can participate in the PE contest before I graduate middle school!

▲ Students enjoying PE contest

Although a lot of students want the contest to be held, it might not be held because of COVID-19. Like what Ms. Kim said, the contest could not be held last year because of COVID-19. Since the government is requesting not to gather many people, and to avoid contact from person to person, the possibilities which the contest cannot be held are high. Also, even if the contest is held, if students do not keep the prevention policy, terrible situations may happen like the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

Students in Daihyun Middle School are assisting that the COVID-19 vaccine is developed, and they will keep the prevention policy well. However, the opinion that it must not be held because of COVID-19 is increasing. Many hope that this contest is replaced with something students can enjoy as much as it is.

By Kyoung Taek Oh


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