School Festivals All Around the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:09:31

Have you ever experienced joining some school events? Each country has its own school festivals. From a viewpoint, these events have some relationships with the countries' culture.

First, Korean school festivals are not so active compared to other countries' school festivals. They include things such as cooking and baking, playing some instruments, and school arts festival. However, the most popular event is not these events. A kind of trip called school excursion is the most interesting and popular. It is because students visit some places which they like and play with their friends.

Hungarian students have two major events every year. The first one is for the graduating students, and the second one is for the freshman students. They have an event called "ball" in the form of a ball. Students enjoy the music wearing a dress or suit on the ball. On the other hand, students in dormitories enjoy a barbecue party when the weather is fine. It is impressive that the students in Hungary enjoy the atmosphere although the party is not big.

Next, students in Holland are mainly independent at a certain age. They eat pancakes and drink alcoholic drinks in their house. They are definitely different from others. They watch other countries' music videos or movies and discuss them. They enjoy cooking their own foods and introduce things to each other, too. Like these, students in Holland enjoy sharing culture. School festivals in America are similar to the ones in Holland. Students are able to enjoy each country's traditional foods and concerts. Students in Lithuania enjoy sane events like Social Campaign Festival or Green Park Festival. They also enjoy sports games and promote friendship.

▲ The Green Park Festivals

Like this, we can check the fact that each country has different festivals following their cultures. Students will be able to get encouraged through these events. On this side, school festivals should be required more.


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