BTS Recorded as the First Placer on the Billboard Artist 100 Chart대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:15:05

Have you ever imagined that BTS can be recorded on the Billboard Hot Artists 100 chart? On August 31, 2020, the new English song of BTS, 'Dynamite', was recorded first on the Billboard Artist 100 chart for the first time in South Korea. Before this, the highest-ranking was the song, 'Gangnam Style', by PSY. Also, 'Dynamite' has stayed on the record for two weeks. It is an amazing record which chooses only 20 songs for two weeks. Now, that BTS was being recorded on the Billboard Hot 100 Artist chart for two weeks, lots of people and fans are waiting for their next album that will also reach the top on the Billboard Artist 100 chart.

▲ The Billboard chart when `Dynamite` recorded Billboard Hot 100 1st

Now, I will tell you about the definition of the Billboard Artist 100 chart. The Billboard chart is the music chart that measures an artist's activity across key metrics of music consumption which includes the album's amount of sales, radio airplay, streaming, and social media fan interaction. So it means, that the song 'Dyanmite', has been the most popular song to Americans for two weeks. 'Dynamite' is the song of BTS that was released on August 21, 2020. All the lyrics of the song are in English. Also, this song was supposed to be released in their next album, but, since it has a message of hope and comfort for the COVID-19 pandemic, they decided to release this song earlier.

▲ The cover of `Dynamite` album

After this song being recorded in the immense record, Jimin, a member of BTS, said, that this record was made possible because of all the supports of the people. Also, the president of South Korea, Moon Jae In, congratulated BTS for getting the immense record for the first time in South Korea. He also said that will be a long-lasting pride of the country. Moreover, "Dynamite" has a message of hope and comfort for COVID-19, so it is more worthy.

To sum up, on August 31, 2020, 'Dynamite' recorded the first rank on the Billboard Artist 100 chart for the first time. That achievement will be long-lasting and will be widely recognized. It will also affect the future of K-pop. Also, lots of BTS fans and people are waiting for their next album and wish them luck to reach the first rank on the Artist 100 chart one more time.


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