A Secretary대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-14 14:24:05

Sometimes, some workers need someone who will check their schedule, and do something when they working. A secretary is a person who schedules the supervisor's work to lessen his work or her work and a person who provides correct information fast to the supervisor.

▲ A secretary

The two kinds of secretaries are general secretary and professional secretary. A general secretary is a simple assistant of a supervisor. However, a professional secretary assists his or her boss with professional skills. A secretary is divided into legal, medical, association, education research, religion, accounting, foreign embassy secretary, and more. It has broad fields such as domestic and foreign general enterprise, government agencies financial institutions, and the media community.

▲ A secretary helps his or her supervisor.

There are different ways to become a secretary. the general way is getting a college degree. If you want to work at a large corporation, you should get a four-year college degree. If you want to work at a foreign company, you should be able to write and talk using that country's language. The more licenses you have such as a secretary's license, computer license, or foreign language license, the more advantageous it is. A person who has honesty, innovation, meticulousness, consideration to others, and good skills social is recommended to become a secretary. It is good to be a secretary if you are interested in convention and society. A secretary's necessary values are high personal orientation, good well-being of mind and body, physical activity, and loyalty. Professional spirit and responsibility are required because the details related to the boss and work should never be disclosed to the outside world.

Learning skills, excellent memory, and accurate communication skills are needed to understand and apply office procedures. The low annual pay of a secretary is 26.25 million won. Then, the average annual pay is 30.5 million won, and high-rank annual pay is 37.5 million won. A secretary is important to a supervisor. If you want to find a job to help someone, one of them is the secretary.

By Jo Eun Seo


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