Events in my Neighborhood대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:31:24

What events do you think are happening in Ulsan? Have you ever been to Ulsan Grand Park? Ulsan Grand Park is the largest urban park in South Korea occupying several blocks in the middle of the city. While the park entrance is free, a number of attractions like the zoo and park golf costs extra along with parking. There are plenty of trails within the park where visitors can easily escape the urban setting. Where wide-open spaces are hard to come by in urban Korea, the locals are lucky to have a nice spacious area. Moreover, because of these advantages of Ulsan Grand Park, a lot of people not only the people who live in Ulsan but also people from other regions come here.

From numerous events which happen in Ulsan Grand Park, I choose the Light Festival as one of the events in my neighborhood. I choose the Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival because it still opens despite COVID-19, and many people visit. Today, many places are closed because of COVID-19, so people do not have places to go and release their stress. For example, my friends wanted to go to the amusement park, go play, and see a beautiful night view there, but because of COVID-19, they are worried that too many people will be there and thought they might get COVID-19. In contrast, the Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival is an outside festival, so if everyone uses a mask, no one would worry about getting COVID-19. Moreover, in case there are still some people who worry despite taking masks, it is only until 9 p.m.

According to the homepage website of Ulsan Grand Park, it says it is held in order to provide fresh attractions and entertainment to the citizens during the winter. In addition, another article says more than 46 percent of the visitors from other regions have established themselves as a representative festival not only in Ulsan but also in the Yeongnam region in winter. Due to the data on the Ulsan Grand Park homepage, there were 310,000 visitors last year to the light festival. Last year during the light festival, an interviewer interviewed Lim Mihwa, one of the visitors, and she said Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival came twice following last year, and the night view of the lake is so fascinating.

the 5th Ulsan Grand Park "Light Festival" was in full swing. It is beautiful as if it was the people who were in a foreign country. The "Light festival" was held at the main gate of the park under the theme of water and moonlight, making tourists accessible. Ulsan Grand Park Light Festival is wonderful enough to be recommended to everyone, anyone.

By Jihyeon Lee


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