Living as an Illustrator대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:34:19

With people's preference in design, there are many types of illustrators. One of the types of illustrators is related to the use of an application called Adobe, which is a vector graphic software, and this illustrator is called Adobe illustrator. 

Illustrators mainly design and produce a painting or pattern in advertisement and visual media. They first discuss with a client the style and the direction or the theme of an illustration. Second, they investigate the trend and preference of a client. Then, they sketch it. After sketching it, they add color to the sketch and produce a sample. Lastly, they discuss it with the client and modify it on the basis of the sample.

To be an illustrator, one should major in one of the following: visual design, computer graphics, industrial design, and many others. To have one of these as a major, one should study hard since young. You can study about it by going to an academy or do self-studying. However, though self-studying can be a way to be an illustrator, it is not so easy. Not all people who major in any of those majors should only be an illustrator. They can also be a photographer, a web designer, a graphic designer, and many more. Jen Bartel, an illustrator, and a comic writer said that illustrators should have their own point of view which is consistent and easy to recognize. It will be a striking point of their drawing style. The salary of an illustrator is average of 20 to 35 million won.

In an interview with Seoseong, an illustrator, she said that she was determined to be an illustrator because she thought that she should have a job which is related to painting, coming close to graduation. Like her, you can be an illustrator by exerting a lot of effort.

Becoming an illustrator sounds very easy before you read this article. However, there are a lot of qualifications to become a promising illustrator.

By Hwa Kyeom Cho


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