Onggi Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:38:15

Many people think Onggi is just used when storing Korean sauce. However, in Ulsan, Onggi is very important because of Onggi Festival. It is one of the most famous festivals in Ulsan. Despite the spread of COVID-19, Ulsan held the festival safely in new ways.

Onggi Festival started in November 2000. It is usually held in early May every year. There are many things that people can experience. For example, they can experience stepping on soil, joining the family Onggi making contest, and making Onggi fermented food. Onggi Festival won 101st place among 16,828 festivals in South Korea. In 2020, the festival was held from November 6 to November 15. Because of the spread of COVID-19, the festival could not be held normally. They held the festival online and offline.

First, online, people did a live performance on YouTube, home shopping, and showed Onggi masters' documentary. On home shopping, they sold some kits by making Korean sauce and Onggi. Second, offline, many people got in their car and bought some Onggi pots, or they looked at some Onggi pots. If they wanted to enter the festival, they had to wear a mask, keep their distance, check their temperature, and write their name on the list. According to Seo Jin-bal of Yonhap News Agency, 385000 people participated online, and 29000 people participated offline. Moreover, many participants said that they enjoyed many kits and programs of the Onggi Festival, and they wanted to participate later.

The organizers made the festival safe for many people to enjoy, so they got a non-face-to-face festival grand prize. Despite the spread of COVID-19, they held the festival safely, and everyone was able to enjoy it held in October 2021. If you are interested, it is good to participate in the next Onggi Festival.

by seongmin Ko


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