To Achieve Your Dream in the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:51:48
  • 수정 2021-05-20 16:52:57

A teacher is still one of the most popular professions. Teachers teach students to study while living with them and guide them to help them grow up. It takes a lot of effort to become a teacher.

Teachers have essential aptitudes and abilities. They need delivery skills for the subject and the ability to understand and apply basic principles related to the field. They should answer the students' questions effectively. Finally, teachers should have the ability to record and maintain students, attendance, grades, achievements, living records, and academic work.

▲ The abilities required of the teacher.

If you want to be a teacher, going to a college of education is good. It is the most common way to become a teacher. There are many universities which offer colleges of education all over the country. Generally, some departments of universities are opened. If you graduate from the college of education, you will be given a "second-degree qualification as a secondary teacher". After this process, you should pass the "Employment Notice" test. There are always exceptions. In private middle schools, they hire only applicants with certificates even without a job examination. It is hard because there is not much opportunity, and we must only work at that school. The teacher's salary goes up according to the annual salary. For example, in the first year, a teacher can usually get 25 million won. However, in the thirtieth year, one can get 70 million won.

▲ Teaching students is one of the things to do.

In an interview with a teacher about her job, she said that there are many things she is proud of after teaching students, but sometimes she wants to be angry because it is really hard to control and teach students, and the job of a teacher seems to need a lot of patience. If you want to be a teacher, think deeply and take the initiative. If you give up working as a teacher, you can get another job related to a teacher: educational consultant and reviewer, cyber education operator, educational researcher, and reading instructor.

By Lee Jeongbin


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