How People Enjoyed Cherry Blossom Festival?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 16:56:33

When winter is over and spring comes, people look forward to the cherry blossom festival in South Korea. Cherry Blossom Festival is held everywhere. However, Cherry Blossom Festival in Ulsan is different from others. It is usually held from March to April, in Gunggeorang. There are about 400 cherry blossom trees in Gunggeorang, so many people visit there and enjoy its beautiful scenery.

▲ Gunggeorang Cherry Blossom Festival is one of the most popular festival in Ulsan.

Gunggeorang Cherry Blossom Festival has started in 2000, and it continues with fame as a popular festival in Ulsan. At first, it was just a small event. However, it became popular because of its picturesque view. It is so popular that about 200,000 people visited there in 2010.

People in Ulsan enjoyed many things in Gunggeorang Cherry Blossom Festival. First, the view there is so beautiful. There are about 400 cherry blossom trees. Therefore, many people get the best shot in life. Second, there are beautiful photograph zones. In the stream, there are many photograph zones so that people can take photographs. There are diverse photograph zones such as character nightshade and cherry blossom background. Third, many street foods and flea markets are in there. On the street, there are food trucks that people can eat many kinds of delicious food. Also, there are flea markets. So, people can get good products at a cheap price. That is why Gunggeorang Cherry Blossom Festival is special.

▲ With 400 cherry blossom trees, people enjoy spring.

In 2010, many people visited Gunggeorang Cherry Blossom Festival. One of them, Minjae Kang said, participates in this festival annually. The scenery is so beautiful. However, due to the spread of the Corona Virus, the cherry blossom festival was canceled. Seoyeon Kim, who loves the cherry blossom festival said that she was disappointed because the cherry blossom festival was canceled. Also, she said that she looks forward to the cherry blossom festival next year.

Although many people looked forward to the cherry blossom festival, it was off because of the COVID-19. Next year, it may be held. Also, many people can enjoy the romantic scenery of Gunggeorang.

By Gyurin Kang


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