The Development of AI, Life with Robots대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-20 17:02:27

Imagine the robots do everything that you want instead of people. Autonomous robots, also called AI, are developing and people nowadays use them more than people in the past. It comes that more robots do many things that can make a person more comfortable. Robots can make our life more comfortable by doing the things that are supposedly be done by people.

Robots can do many things and do them faster and easier than humans. Nowadays, several people who work in a delivery service center, die or feel debilitated because of hard work to deliver products in different areas in South Korea. Many people think that we have to think of a safer way to protect a delivery man. So, instead of people, robots will do it. The result of an experiment showed that a drone can deliver 31 products in five hours. Also, some companies say that many drones will fly in the sky of a park or a beach to deliver foods and other products in 2022. In fact, there are already some restaurants that use delivery robots to deliver water and food.

▲ delivery drones

Robots can do medical services for people, too. AI has excellent computing power and accuracy, so it can give good surgery or treatment for patients. The outcome of an experiment wherein robots did a surgery instead of a doctor showed a reduction of bleeding, scar, and side effects in the surgery area. Also, it showed improvement and correction, too.

AI has other services, too. It can make the mind and body of older or younger people at ease and reduce depression. Also, robots have the ability to make foods or drinks and calculate money. In a coffee chain in the Songpa District, Southern Seoul, there is no human barista. It has only robot baristas. In there, a digital kiosk takes people's orders and a robot barista makes caffeinated drinks. It can make 120 cups of coffee in an hour. Also, people say that it is very good because the price is half the original, and they do not have to worry about meeting other people during the pandemic.

▲ robot baristas

Many people think robots are a very good invention that makes their life more comfortable and safer. However, because people who abuse robot technology thinking that the robots can intercept people's jobs, some people are worried about AI's development. We should think carefully about whether AI can make our life more comfortable or more dangerous.

By So Yi Park


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