기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 16:30:52

Nowadays, many people are suffering from COVID-19. This pandemic is very serious, and the government restricts citizens' activity because of this. Many scientists are trying to make effective vaccines.

▲ A picture of COVID-19

There are some vaccines that people have already made. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are RNA vaccines that make protein in the body so that they can induce immune reactions. They are easy to make at a large amount in a short time. AstraZeneca vaccine is a virus vector vaccine that puts virus antigen genes with other viruses. It is stable in heat. In addition, the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine is a vaccine that got approval recently. It is the first vaccine that is made in a non-western country.

There are some side effects of using these vaccines. Fever, nausea, and headache are major side effects that people who had vaccines can experience. Also, they can feel weak and tired that it can be hard to return to their daily life. However, if they take a headache pill, they can get better. They can feel pain and have tumidity on the part where they had a vaccine injected. If you want to reduce the inconvenience of having a fever, you should drink some water or wear light clothes.

▲ A picture of vaccine of virus

The sequence of vaccination is different for each person. Doctors who treat COVID-19 patients get the first vaccination. Homeless people and senior people can get the second vaccination. Authorized people will visit senior people who cannot walk well and give the vaccination. Then adults, teenagers, and pregnant women can get the third vaccination. If people do not get a vaccination because of high fever, they can change their vaccination reservation.

Despite some side effects, many people want to get vaccinated. Vaccines are the hope of people to end COVID-19. We do not know when all people will get vaccinated. The vaccines are not assurance that it is good to not wear our mask.

by Jiho Wang


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