The Best Duo in Soccer Game대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 16:32:44
  • 수정 2021-05-28 16:33:55

Do you know who is the best duo in the soccer game? Most people said it is Didier Drogba and Frank Lampard. However, they already retired. The best duo on the current playing list is Harry Kane and Son Heung-min. Son and Kane are playing in the TottenhamHostpur Football Club (FC).

▲ A picture of Son and Kane

Son is 28 years old. He is from South Korea. He is a Tottenham player and a player on Korea national team. Kane is 27 years old. He is an English citizen. He is also a Tottenham player and a player of the England team. Son can deal with the ball using both of his hands because he is ambidextrous. So, he is really good at playing soccer. Also, he is really fast. His instantaneous velocity is 34 Km per hour. On the other hand, Kane is good at shooting, physical fight, technique, and goal determination.

In March 8, 2021, Tottenham Hotspur F.C. and Crystal Palace F.C. played a match. On 96 minutes, Son passed to Kane. Kane received and shot right away. Then, they made a score. Also, Son and Kane setting a new record. In the single season, Son scored nine goals and Kane scored five goals. To sum up, they scored 14 goals. It is a new record.

Son and Kane are trying to set the world record. The world record of most goals is set by Didier Drogba and Frank Lampard. They scored 36 goals in total with the help of each other. However, Son and Kane have only scored 34 goals. There are only two goals left to top the record. So, they are still trying to set the world record. BBC Sport said Son and Kane will be able to succeed because they have many times until retire. Since Didier Drogba and Frank Lampard had already retired, it is possible for Son and Kane to set the world record.

▲ A picture of top attacking duos in epl

Many people cheered for Son and Kane. They trust Son and Kane to set the world record and to have steady development. They also cheer for their future together with other players. They want them to be healthy to see them play more soccer games.

By Lee Ho-geun


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