Seokjeon Festival, the Biggest Festival in Seoul대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:02:00

Every last Wednesday of August, the biggest festival in Seoul is held. Almost 20000 people visit this festival. Choong-Ang High School which is located in the center of Seoul was established in 1908. This school has 12 buildings and big size of the playground. Amazingly, the three buildings of this school are designated national treasures. Since more than 100 years ago, many students have graduated here, so graduates support their school. Choong-Ang's representative festival is "Seokjeon Festival". In order to know the details of this festival, I interviewed the students and principal Lee who graduated from Choongang in 1970.

▲ This picture shows the main building of Choong-Ang High School.

First, Jeong Hyeonseung, who is a second-grade student of Choong-Ang High School said that he decided to apply to Choong-Ang High School after He experienced SeokJeon Festival two years ago. He also said that the gothic buildings enhanced the visual background. As he said, Seokjeon Festival utilizes the advantage of the visual effect. The main building was built in 1908, and it has a Gothic form, which is hard to find in Seoul. Additionally, he said that the Festival has a lot of booths that offer many interesting programs. We can make soup, experience VR games, chemical experiments, and more. Also, many groups from different schools play performances in the auditorium. All school clubs prepare programs that reflect their clubs' characteristics. So, visitors can experience meaningful activities. Also, the planning team decides who to perform after three phases of the interview.

▲ This picture shows the opening of Seokjeon Festival in 2019.

In order to hear the future plan of Seokjeon Festival, I interviewed the principal of Choong-Ang High School. Lee said that because of COVID-19, they cannot hold the festival like a few years ago. So, they find some ways to do this online. They are trying to constitute festivals online while maintaining the characteristics of our festival. Unfortunately, COVID-19 made it impossible to open the festival normally. So, the school cannot allow outsiders to visit our school. However, we are trying to open the festival online. When the state of COVID-19 is improved, we can hold the festival normally in August. We can add some activities that progressed online.

Because we cannot host a festival normally, many students miss our festival. However, it is time to reduce group activities. Of course, it is sad that we cannot maintain the historical festival here. However, after we overcome this difficult time, we can happily host the festival. Seokjeon Festival is the best chance to meet many different students, experience different activities, feel the atmosphere of the history, and energize the local community.

By Kwak Jun Seo


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