Adoptive Parents Punished for Killing Daughter대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:09:59

Jeong-In's adoptive parents were punished for killing their adoptive child through abuse. Jeong-In moved in with her adoptive parents in February 2020. While in the same household with her adoptive parents. she was abused and tortured in many brutal ways. Her adoptive mother fed her hot food that just came out of the microwave, which caused blisters in her mouth. She was left alone at home for a minimum of three hours a day, locked away in a dark room every day after seven o'clock, and constantly hit by her parents.

▲ A picture of Jeong-In

On October 12, 2020, Jeong-In was sent to a daycare center in bad condition. According to the daycare teachers, she could not walk, stand, or eat all day. However, her adoptive parents never took her to the hospital, saying that everything was fine. On the next day, Jeong-In was finally sent to the hospital, where she passed away at the age of sixteen months old. The autopsy and forensic doctor said that Jeong-In's entire body was severely damaged from head to toe and concluded that she was possibly stepped on multiple times on her stomach by adults.

According to the first trial, Jeong-In's adoptive mother, whose surname is Jang, was sentenced to life in prison for killing her adopted daughter. Jang pleaded mercy for her husband, saying that he did not know about the entirety of the abuse. However, her husband was sentenced to five years in prison for neglecting to take action despite being aware of his wife's abuse.

▲ Jeong-In`s adoptive mother on her way to court

Many citizens who heard about this trial demanded that Jang must be sentenced to death, and her

husband must be sentenced to seven years and six months in prison. In order to prevent child abuse from happening, we must pay attention to what is happening around us. Cases like Jeong-In's death must not occur again, and her adoptive parents will be punished severely for killing a sixteen-month-old toddler.

▲ People wanting Jeong-In`s adoptive parents to be sentenced to death

May 22, 2021

By Jia Sohn


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