A Field Day of Ulju Myeongji Elementary School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:33:53
  • 수정 2021-05-28 17:34:14

Do you enjoy your school's field day? Also, what do you usually do on your school's field day? Many schools in South Korea, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities are holding field day where students cheer on another. Especially, Ulju Myeongji Elementary School's field day which is always held in the month of May has some characteristics that can make the students learn various things. Even though the field day was not held last year because of COVID-19, Ulju Myeongji Elementary School has decided to hold the event this year. Thus, students are expecting a lot to have fun.

▲ Ulju Myeongji Elementary School

First of all, Ulju Myeongji Elementary School does some general sports on their field days such as relay, tug of war, and many more. However, their school has different events, unlike other schools. They hold a talent show for dancing, singing, and playing. So, the students can show their abilities and skills. In addition, the talent show boosts the students' confidence. Besides, they also hold enjoyable events. For example, the MC of the field day gives missions to the students like finding the most beautiful person or the tallest boy in this school within a time limit. Within that time, many students run to find some suitable persons, and they run to the finish line with those. Through this event, not only participants but also visitors, like their parents, can enjoy with them and share their happiness.

▲ A field day

Second, the students can learn a lot of things during the field day. There are some sport entries that require harmony and cooperation among classmates. Therefore, these things can develop the students' cooperative spirit and give them a chance to become close with the other students. In addition, the field day is one of the most important days of the school. So, it can make an unforgettable memory for students. Yun Hye Jeong who graduated from Ulju Myeongji Elementary School in 2018, said that he cannot forget his last field day experience in Ulju Myeongji Elementary School. It is because, before that day, he had no friend to talk to in the class, but the event has helped him to be connected to his best friend now.

Unlike last year, Ulju Myeongji Elementary School is planning thoroughly to have a safe field day. So, it will give happiness and expectation to students.


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