School Sports Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:35:35
  • 수정 2021-05-28 17:35:49

The school sports event may be the most exciting school event for most students. It is because students are able to become intimate with each other. The school sports event is the event when people participate in competitive activities, often with the aim of winning trophies or prizes. The school sports event is usually

held every year. However, because of COVID-19, most schools do not have the school sports event for two years in a row. Because of the cancellation of the school sports event, a lot of students are put to inconvenience.

▲ Students are having fun on sports day.

The school sports event is held to unite the students. Students are divided into two teams and play various exciting games together. The school sports event games are relay race, race, flip color paper of which color is red and blue, jumping rope, turning the hula hoop, tug of war, blowing up the balloons, and many more. However, a lot of students are put to inconvenience because they are not able to play these various exciting games. One student said that the school sports event is his or her favorite school event. He or she is put to inconvenience because of the cancellation of the school sports event. He or she really wants to have the school sports event.

▲ Students who are running a relay race.

The school sports event is a chance for students to take a rest and enjoy because they are tired of studying. Also, students can exercise together, so they may be able to be healthy. However, it is a pity that students are not able to have the school sports event. Many students in our school are put to inconvenience because of the cancellation of the school sports event. They hope that the event is going to be held next year.


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