Low Birthrate Problem that No Other Country Has Experienced대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:42:40

According to statistics on birth and death in 2020, South Korea's birthrate was 0.84 percent. It decreased 0.08 percent than the rate of 2019. The birthrate in South Korea is lower than the other countries. Like this, many researchers say that our country needs to be concerned with the low birth rate.

▲ According to the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy, the birthrate in South Korea is lower than the other countries.

According to the results of the Childbirth Awareness Report, the main cause of the low birthrate problem is the economic burden of childcare. To raise a child, it needs heavy charges that young parents are hard to bear expenses. Also, there are difficulties between work and family. The low birthrate problem causes many problems. First, the national financial problem is affected because there are not so many young people to support the elderly with taxes. Second, it causes a shortage of the working population. As the number of young people that can work decreases, the country cannot be developed. Third, generational conflict can deepen because of the aging population of the elderly increases. Also, schools need to be merged and teachers need to be adjusted with the abolition of schools due to low birth rates.

To solve this problem, many sociologists criticize the policies in South Korea. First, the government's policy should be changed. Second, more support to multi-child parents. Third, the country should run a lot of parenting services for parents who are about to give birth. Also, there is a change in the perception of childbirth through various kinds of campaigns.

▲ To solve the birthrate problem, the country should change the perception of childbirth for the first way.

South Korea has the lowest birthrate in OECD countries. Because of the low birthrate problem. South Korea faces not only financial problems but also generational conflicts. To solve this problem, many sociologists said that we should change the perception of childbirth in a first way. Seo Hyeong Su who is a Vice-Chairman in Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy said that South Korea should not leave it to family and parents to raise children, but our society as a whole. The citizens should also know that parents who raise their children are having a hard time on our behalf and be willing to help them.

May 22, 2021

By Namin Kim


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