LG Uplus leads the Metaverse Age with Global XR Content Telco Alliance대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-28 17:56:44

▲ LG Uplus

LG Uplus made an announcement on the 16th that they would release 'Space Explorers: The ISS Experience' Episode 2 through Global XR Content Telco Alliance, and its 11th member of AR company 'Trigger Global' is joining.

▲ Experiencing A New VR Content of LG Uplus

Space Explorers: The ISS Experience 3D is the first 360-degree VR content that can really shot in space. This new Episode 2 attracts the viewers with various videos that were not seen in the last series. Users can see who the first female astronaut is, whether plants can be grown on a spaceship and if they can feel the heat at the ISS, which is 150 million kilometers away from the sun. There is also a 'zero gravity meal' scene where astronauts throw and take fruits.

Global XR Content Telco Alliance also announced a new member company. The U.S. AR company 'Trigger Global,' which joins the team this time, has shown more than 200 projects and contains more than 200,000 hours of XR developing experience over the past decade. Toy Story, Spider-Man, and Star Wars are its representatives. It has also cooperated with various media companies such as 'Disney', 'Pixar', and 'Sony Pictures' for tangible services. It also developed the AR application 'Verizon', the largest mobile carrier in the U.S.

Meanwhile, Global XR Content Telco Alliance is the world's first 5G content alliance launched in September last year. LG Uplus served as the first chairman, and ten businesspersons in seven regions, 'Qualcomm Technology Inc.', 'Verizon', Bell Canada, Orange S.A., China Telecommunications, Chunghwa Telecom, KDDI, 'Felix & Paul Studios, and 'Atlas V', have participated in it.

May 23rd, 2021

by Kim Hyeon


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