The Career I Am Interested in대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:07:21

Many people do not know well about an oriental doctor. However, an oriental doctor is an interesting job. It also requires lots of knowledge and strategies.

So, what do we need to be an oriental doctor? We have to do six years of studies, learning a lot of knowledge and many things. So, let us see what studies do we need. As we do six years of studies, we need to do a lot of things. The six years include two years of pre-course and four years of the main course. There are many majors that are required. There are internal medicine, pediatrics, neuropsychiatry, medical science, and acupuncture.

▲ one of the studies, acupuncture

There are more kinds of majors and studies needed. We also need to learn Chinese in order to study because most of the studies are written in Chinese. Now, let us find what schools we can go to. There are lots of schools where we can study to be oriental doctors. The two most popular universities are Kyung Hee University and Dongguk University. these are universities are known as the two best universities to study to be an oriental doctor.

When we finish studying in a university for six years, there are many things we can do. You can be an oriental doctor as I said, or you can be a professor in a university. You can also be a surgeon or a private doctor. Maybe you can go to graduate school if you think you need more studies. You can get many licenses, too. You can use these licenses in getting other jobs. When you become an oriental doctor, you can earn five to nine million won a month.

▲ an oriental doctor

Even if being an oriental doctor requires many abilities and time, the job is very interesting, stable, and enjoyable. I hope many people will become interested in this job.

By Yeongu Son


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