A Lawyer Helping Falsely Charged People대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 14:55:08

Since the old times, there have been many big and little troubles between individuals or companies anywhere. A lawyer is a job that helps people in trouble. A lawyer not only helps people in trouble but also does other types of work, too. So, lawyers are important because they reduce troubles in our society.

To be a lawyer in South Korea is difficult. First, you should acquire a bachelor's degree. Also, you must graduate from a Korean law school. You should get through the bar examination. The bar examination for lawyers is held every year in the month of January, and you can apply for it five times for five years. If you pass the bar examination, finally, you will become a certified lawyer. Then, how do people enter a Korean law school? First, you should graduate a general four-course of years in a university and estimate many fields of studies like legal education eligibility test. Also, you need to speak a foreign language like English. Lastly, you better have undergraduate studies and community service activities and activities in a citizen campaign group or educational institution.

▲ People who are going to take the examination for the bar

Lawyers do many types of work. They consult a person who is directly involved in an event or deputy and decide the kinds of event and execute many procedures with the person. They collect data and evidence that they need in defending a client themselves. A lawyer's work depends on the kind of troubles such as criminal suit, civil suit, and many others. In a criminal suit, lawyers substitute and defend instead of a client in the court. Moreover, lawyers provide legal services like free counsel to individuals.

▲ The logo of Korean Bar Association

In the future, the employment of lawyers will increase more continuously because many lawyers enter a law firm, and the range of their work will expand their business territory more widely. The competition of acceptance of an appointment will be deepened from now on. With the development of the legal information system and searching legal information service, lawyers will be able to help more people in troubles, so more people will want to become a lawyer.

By Shin Chae Min


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