Ideal school for students‘ creativity대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:32:06

Everyone belongs to social groups, whatever they are large or small. Family is the smallest unit of social groups as well as the first group human belongs to after birth. Then what is the biggest unit of groups people join firstly?

The answer is school. The role of the school is as important as that of the family. Children learn not only academic knowledge but also social rules and morals through experiences with their friends. This is the conventional role of school we know. However, there is another crucial aspect of school. It is related to the structure of the school.

Hyun Joon Yoo, the famous Korean architect, says most Korean schools have similar look to prison in that they are closed rather than be open. Students go to the school with a high fence, wearing the same uniform, and given the same lunch. In square-shaped classes, every student cannot improve their creativity.

There are three ideal types of school we must pursue. First, construct green space. Nature has positive effects on humans. If you watch natural scenery for 20 seconds, your heartbeat becomes steady. If you watch it for 3 to 5 minutes, elevated blood pressure goes down. It means the closer you are to nature, the happier you will be.

interior design of sancheon elementary school

Second, give variety to the nook and cranny of school. Todays, a playground is the only place children can play in. Even that, children who are extroverted and good at exercising monopolize the space. Talking in the classroom is the left choice of other students. Some students need a place to exercise. Some students like to talk with their friends. However, there are also students who need a secret place to rest, or a Walden zone to read books. Schools should provide a variety forms of classes where students can use for their personal purposes.

multipurpose class in sangwole elementary school

space to read books

Lastly, decrease the number of layers. Instead, increase the number of buildings. Going up the high stairs every day is not the only reason. Open air space should be easy for students to access. Only 10 minutes are provided as breaktime, however, high stairs take around 2 or 3 minutes to go outside. School is the place for students, so it should have the most adaptable construction for students.

from architectural firm of Hyun Hoon Yoo


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