To Students Who Want to Do stocks대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-01 15:42:37
  • 수정 2021-06-01 15:42:55

Recently, investing in stocks is one of the biggest issues in Korea to all generations. Now it is even harder to find people who don’t have stocks than those who have stocks. Usually, trading stocks is only for grown-ups. But this is not true anymore. These days it is not difficult to find high school students who are interested in and actually trading stocks. Moreover, it is considered to a good time to start financial education and experience investment when they are at high school.

But the stock market has a lot of volatility and risk. That is why it’s important to acquaint how the market works and how to invest in stocks. Here are some tips for high school students to follow.

Before beginning, recognize the notion of the corporation. The corporation is the company that is managed invested capital and publishing stocks with it. If you buy a certain company’s stock, the company will have a partnership with you and run it with your money. That means you earn the power of making decisions and it gets strong depending on the size of the share.

The next stage is how to invest in stocks.

First of all, you need to establish your stock account. You cannot trade stocks with your bank account. When you make accounts, you have to choose a stock firm. At this point, you can blunder to pick a stock firm thoughtlessly as you are so eager to start. In choosing them, you should consider their commission and events.

Second, you ought to catch the timing to jump in the stock markets. It is silly to buy stocks alone in the bear market. To prevent it, Studying the economy is essential. And analyze prospective industrial groups and rank among the involved companies. If you choose the companies in which you want to invest, you must determine the period to invest in it with the company’s information and the chart. There is no fruit but has some efforts. In the process of analyzing the stock market, the efforts that you have done would be the real valuable thing although you lose your money.

Third, you make your own way of investment style. Each person has their own investment style. The more investments you do, the clearer your investment philosophy and style you have. In addition, it is good to refer to intelligent investors like Warren Buffet. Yet keep in mind that they are not always right.

Now, you will be ready to jump in the stock market if you have a mindset that is not shaken easily.


Before you start the stock, I have one last thing to tell you. Of course, it is a very good thing to concentrate on stocks and make money from it. But you should not spend too much time on it. This is because you are a student who has a lot of things to learn. Now, you have to keep the balance between studying and doing stock. Your duty is to do your best as a student.


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