Plans to Bring All Students Back to School: Is It Safe?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:25:22

While Education Ministry announced that they are planning to bring all students back to school in the next semester on May 17th, there are growing concerns about its safety.

▲ The current educational system according to social distancing level

The current educational system is managed by the lowest level of social distancing which allows two-thirds of students to go to school. In the system, Education Ministry pointed out the problem like the lack of education and sociality.

▲ Yoo Eun-hae announced their plans to expand school attendance

To prevent those worries, the Education Ministry suggested plans to expand school attendance and vaccination for school personnel on May 17th. According to the Minister of Education, Yoo Eun-hae, the number of suspected students is likely to be low compared to other age brackets of suspected individuals and students are trying to comply with the rules well. Yoo Eun-hae is determined that the plan will be realized through the new social distancing guidelines that are going to be announced in July.

▲ There are not any available vaccines to give to the students.

Even though Education Ministry suggested the plan to bring all students back to school in the next semester, there are no vaccination plans for students except high school stents in third grade. According to people concerned, they are planning to complete the vaccination of the high school student in the third grade by July, while other students cannot be vaccinated because of safety. Pfizer vaccines are allowed to students, so there are not any available vaccines to give to the students. In this situation, the burden of going to school all goes to students and their parents.

The response to going to school is also divided into two groups. Some people showed favorable responses because they believe going to school improves the quality of education. Others reacted aggressively because the safety of going to school is not clear.

June 6th, 2021, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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