COVID-19 Vaccine Reservation Through Kakao and Naver대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-09 16:27:31

Starting May 27, checking the rest of the COVID-19 vaccine, reserving, and having an appointment for vaccination is possible through Kakao and Naver. The Korea Disease Control cooperated with Kakao and Naver, which are used the most by people in South Korea. From May 27 to June 8, it will be test-operated for two weeks and will be operated formally on June 9, correcting the flaws caused during the test trial period. Only the remaining vaccine of AstraZeneca can be inquired in real-time and inoculated.

▲ The hospital is noticing about reserving through Kakao and Naver.

In the case of Kakao, information about commissioned medical institutions can be checked, and reserving vaccine is available through "remaining vaccine" tap in 'tap #'. Those who want to reserve can choose a medical center, click 'reserving', agree to collect personal information, and validate. If people want to use Naver, they can access the Naver application, Naver map, or Naver mobile website and search 'residual vaccine', 'vaccine reservation', or 'no-show vaccine'. They offer information about the number of residual vaccines of nearby medical institutions, real-time reservation, and alert service.

▲ How to reserve COVID-19 vaccine through Kakao and Naver

There are some cautions when you reserve a vaccine through these applications. The reservation is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you already have a reservation, you cannot make other reservations. Those who have already received inoculation more than once, and made a reservation through an advance reservation system are impossible to get a reservation. Also, those who are under 30, born after January 1, 1992, are not recommended to have a vaccination, so they are excluded. If a subscriber does not visit the inoculation center without canceling his or her reservation, then he or she can never reserve again through Kakao or Naver.

▲ AstraZeneca is vaccinatied to those who reserved through Kakao and Naver.

On May 27, which was the first day of reserving vaccines through applications, 4,229 people used this service. Among them, 3,935 used Kakao, and 294 used Naver. Jeong Eun-kyoung, the head of the vaccination response promotion group encouraged people to receive a vaccination, saying that if you receive an inoculation, you can reduce the possibility of infection and morality risks sharply.

June 6, 2021

by Lee Dowon


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