Seventy-eight Percent of Foreigners Think South Korea as Positive대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 15:13:20

Seventy-eight percent of foreigners think of South Korea as positive. According to the recent survey conducted by Korean culture and information service to 8000 people from 16 countries. The development of the Korean economy and the widespread Korean culture played a big role in changing the views towards South Korea.

Korean conglomerates and products also played their part to make South Korea a better image. State of the art technology, Korean makeup products, and some Korean brands was chosen as a factor to make South Korea in a positive light.

However, the factors that played a negative role in views of South Korea are mostly related to North Korean problems. The situation of the Korean peninsula, war, and militarization of both nations all were the main reasons why foreigners see South Korea as a negative or an unstable state.

▲ South Korean military training

The country that viewed South Korea as the most negative was Japan. People who think positively about Korea reached only 27.6 percent and negative views are 39 percent, exceeding positive views in South Korea. However, the younger generations in Japan think more positively about South Korea than the older generations, which is the plus side of the current situation between the two countries.

By Minsu Chung


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