COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation in South Korea being Started대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 15:20:36

As the COVID-19 virus is getting serious, the vaccine for it became one of the most notable issues in the world. That issue got bigger in South Korea, which has just finished inventing the COVID-19 vaccine. Ten days later, the South Korean government officially announced to start the COVID-19 vaccine inoculation in South Korea.

The first inoculation has started on the 26th, of +February. Objects for the first inoculation are people under age 65 who work or are in the nursing hospital. It has started for 272,000 people. The second inoculation will be carried forward, which is about April to May. In March, 350,000 people who work at high-risk hospitals, and primary responder for COVID-19, such as 119, staffs who are related to checking, testing, experiment, and nursing patients of COVID-19. Their second inoculation is scheduled for May. The name of the vaccine is 'Astrazeneca'.

▲ COVID-19 vaccine, Astrazeneca

Hwaiza vaccines are also released in South Korea. It will be inoculated to 55,000 people who treat COVID-19 patients. This type of vaccine requires the process called 'Cold Chain', which is to maintain the vaccine in cryogenic temperature. From July to September, people who have chronic diseases, soldiers, police, and teachers will be inoculated. And at October to December, the vaccine will be inoculated to people who have not vaccinated yet.


▲ COVID-19 vaccine, Hwaiza

COVID-19 vaccine inoculation in 2021 is being welcomed by many people in South Korea. However, some people against it. Many professionals and experts say that the vaccine was made too quickly, so the South Korean government has to check properly whether the vaccine works well. However, the thing is, that it will be a huge event in South Korea.

▲ people`s opinion whether the vaccine is safe

2021/06/12 by Jeon Seung Hyun


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