Is It Right to Attend Tokyo Olympics?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-14 16:13:23

In 2020, Tokyo Olympics was supposed to be held. However, because of COVID-19, the Olympics was postponed. Also, COVID-19 is severe these days. So, some countries have declared not to join the Olympics. Some people suggest that they should not join it. On the other hand, other people suggested that they should join the Olympics for athletes. So, is it right to attend Tokyo Olympics?

▲ The Olympics will be held on July

First of all, the main cause of the postponement of the Olympics is COVID-19. These days, the number of infections in Japan is about 2500 people. This figure is by no means a small figure. If one of the athletes is infected by COVID-19, the influence of infected athletes will be very huge because most sports will be progressed with no mask. So, it is the fact that this Olympics is very dangerous. On the other hand, if we do not join the Olympics, many athletes can be affected. Many athletes have practiced for Tokyo Olympics for five years. Moreover, our enterprises can be affected, too. Many enterprises advertise their goods during the Olympic games. Moreover, if this chance disappears, the enterprises can be affected, too.

However, there is a big problem between Japan and South Korea. Japanese posted the map of Japanese on the Olympic homepage. Also, there is Dokdo Island on the map. Korean government immediately protested about it, but the island has still remained. For this reason, North Korea declared not to attend Tokyo Olympics. Also, some people suggested boycotting the Olympics on the homepage of the Korean government. In 2018, at Pyeongchang Olympics, there was Dokdo Island on the map of South Korea. However, the Japanese government protested about it. So, the Korean government accepted it. Thus, it is reasonable to remove Dokdo Island from the Japanese map.

▲ Dokdo Island still remained on the map

It is a fact that Tokyo Olympics is very dangerous due to COVID-19. However, there are some bad effects when we do not attend it. Nevertheless, either we participate or not participate, it is fair that the Japanese government removes Dokdo Island from the map.

By Kim Yu-chan

2021. 6. 12


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