Janssen Vaccines to Arrive on June 5th대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-06-23 14:15:42

Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccines have arrived on Saturday, June 5th about one in the morning, as health officials had announced earlier. Hopes are high that the first batches will give a huge push to South Korea's national vaccination campaign. Joe Biden, the president of the United States, said last month that the U.S. will offer enough vaccines to inoculate five hundred fifty thousand service members in South Korea.

▲ Johnson & Johnson vaccines arrive at Incheon airport

The Janssen vaccine is the fourth vaccine available in the country. Unlike other vaccines, this one only requires a single shot for immunization, and it is said to be much less painful than other vaccines. Last time, the vaccines were first given to elderly people among sixty years old, but this time, vaccines will be given to reservists, members of the civil defense, and those related to the country's defense, following Washington's pledge to donate vaccines for Korean troops. Those aged under thirty will be excluded amid concerns over blood clots.

▲ A woman getting vaccinated on her arm

Reservation for Janssen's COVID-19 vaccines was held days before, and it was logged within just eighteen hours of opening. The rollout of the vaccine is expected to speed up the country's national vaccination campaign, and the government hopes thirteen million people will be inoculated by the end of June. Right now, around four percent of the population has been fully vaccinated.

▲ Johnson & Johnson vaccine

More than seven million people have received their first shots of COVID-19 vaccines as of Thursday as official data presented. AstraZeneca vaccines were administered to four point five million people while Pfizer accounted for two point five million. Nobody knows if Johnson & Johnson's vaccines will make a difference yet, but most people including the Korean government are hoping that they will make a change.

June 15th, 2021

by Jia Sohn


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