Smombie and prevention대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-14 17:18:33
  • 수정 2017-07-17 15:55:58

▲ Smombies are walking down the street

Smombies are walking down the street The word smombie is a compound word that comes from smartphone and zombie. It refers to those people who are walking on the street while using their smartphone, and it is the reason why the road accident rates are naturally high. By the dissemination of smartphones and the development of internet and

accessibility, many smombies have become part of our life. Smombie is not just a n

ational problem because but a global issue. According to the research from the Chosun Ilbo, 25.8 percent of Korean people are smombie, and it means that thirteen million people are smombie. Teenager and twenties are highest age group of it. Thirties and forties are second and over fifties were 17 percent. Caution 'Smartphone alert while walking' Smombie is directly connected to one's life. Most people have bumped into smombie. Because people who are concentrated on using smartphones, they do not concentrate on walking but only concentrating on watching or using their smartphones. So they cannot notice what is going on around them or when the vehicles are coming to them. On the internet, we can easily see the video that bumps into people who are in a daze because of smartphone. In america, on June 9th, Plainfield Summerset Street in New Jersey, an accident happened when a woman was walking down the street, and she fell down twho meters below the ground, failing to find an open underground passage while walking. At that time, the underground passage gate was opened for repairs to the gas pipeline. This accident was reported to have suffered serious injuries. The research of risk caused by using smartphone of South Korea Transportation Safety Authority represented the accident rate increased about 76 percent. In this situation, around the world, each country started preparing a countermeasure. In US, the penalty of using smartphone while walking was enacted. In Holland, Lightline, buried traffic lights are implemented. Immediately, before crossing the pedestrian page, the led embedded in the road will turn green or red and inform the state of the signal on the smartphone.

With signs of caution, citizens point out that all kinds of nerves can be seen on the smartphone, and I cannot sign the signs. One citizen said, I saw the sign of caution, but I did not like it. Another citizen said, getting a fine on the use of smartphone while walking is a violation of personal freedom. Also, he said that the public's freedom is important in public places, as the freedom of individual liberty is important. We need to consider that because of one's freedom, other people's rights are violated?


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