A School Project: Making a Book Trailer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:47:25

A book trailer is to make a video to introduce students to a book that they want to recommend by using pictures, voices, paintings, or sentences. In Mugeo Middle School, the first-grade students perform this project in a Korean class- Reading Books together- each year. It gives them several benefits such as responsibility and friendship.

An interview with Mugeo Middle School student, Enbi Jang, was made to share her opinion on the project. Enbi Jang is a female student, and she finished that project already. To make a book trailer, she said there are three steps to follow. The first step is gathering the members who make a book trailer together. Commonly, the group consists of five to six students. Also, the second step is to a read book that they will introduce and summarize the plot. She said that summarizing is the most important part of making a book trailer.

▲ Enbi and her members gathered around the table, summarized the plot and divided the role.

The final step is dividing the roles. There are some roles such as making a line, choosing the music, drawing, and editing. Making a line is choosing an appropriate line that will be used in drawing and voice. The plot summarized paper is really effective in this process, and she said that this is done by two students. Next, choosing music is to select the right music on the line, and one student is needed. Drawing requires two students. Enbi Jang played a drawing role, and she said, I drew the picture that other students summarize. She believed it is the hardest part because there were so many pictures she had to draw. And at the final, editing, one student edits the video with drawing, line, voice, and music. Finally, the book trailer is finished and handed to their Korean teacher.

Enbi said that there were both cons and pros. First, there were some students who did not do anything, and there were conflicts about their opinion. Also, they had a too short time to make all the things. However, they solved it by discussing the conflicts and problems. There were three pros. She said it was her responsibility from her role that she had to take care of. She also learned the way to harmonize with friends. By learning this, she got friendship with her team members between the discussion with the members.

▲ Enbi and her members had a discussion when they had a problem.

Based on a survey of Enbi's classmates who did making a book trailer, nine out of ten students said that making a book trailer was enjoyable and interesting. So, if they have a chance, they will do that again and make better than before.


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