Novel P.E. Project, Pedometer Measurement대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:57:33

Have you remembered your most impressive project? In our school, we have to do pedometer measurements. Why we have to do this? Teachers think that nowadays, students do not exercise well, so we should try hard to make our bodies healthy. In fact, we can do exercise by moving our body on purpose in every second.

▲ This is pedometer which used at P.E. class

After we get the pedometer measurement, we continue to shake our bodies. It measures how much we move. First, by wearing it, we should shake our bodies until we get a certain score. If the number of movements goes over 2000, we can get A, if it goes over 1500, we can get B, and if it goes over 1000, we can get C. We do this over 10 times. It is hard to fill a score to get A.

To get this score, many students shook their bodies very intensely and danced, even shook their pelvis. Also, students mostly work hard and exclude some. In the interview, some students said that it was hard to do that, but it was enjoyable. Also, it was a different experience to wear the pedometer. Other students said that they did not understand why they had to do this, and some hated to do this. However, many students were enjoying and proud of getting a high score.

▲ People who wear pedometer shake their body

As a result, students who moved very hard got A, and those who did not really do it well got B or C. So, students who got A were proud, but those who got B or C felt regretful. To do this, many students felt that exercise should be done by students. Moreover, some people felt that they were trying hard for this.

Wearing a pedometer is very helpful to us. We can move our bodies in a long time. So, some students felt that both their minds and body are clean. The pedometer gives us good effect. How about using a pedometer?


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