Speech Act Contest대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:58:29

Nowadays, our world is changing rapidly. So, if we cannot adopt the new trends, we will be eliminated. So, we should develop skills that these new trends require from us. One of the knowledge that we should learn is English speaking skills, is a tendency that this ability is going to be more important than the other things. In the future, many schools in South Korea focus on speaking more than writing, reading, and grammar. Because of that reality, one school in Ulsan, South Korea, decided to develop English speaking ability through a speech act contest. With that, the students can learn their English speaking ability that will help them in becoming a leader in the global era.

▲ picture that start to announce

The Speech act contest is a project which opens in one day for every that requires all students to participate in this contest. All the participating students create a team with two members before starting the contest. And on the day when the contest begins, three juries will select a random topic which each team will explain. And before the time limit, students will make a script, and keep it in step with their partners. When it is their turn, they will explain for 3 minutes.

▲ Presentation in front of three judges

In an with the participating students, to listen to student's opinion, they said, "that because of their school officials, both of them were able to improve their English speaking ability. So, if I have a chance to join this contest one more time, they will participate without any hesitation."

The intention of this school contest is to raise awareness for students to be successful. It can change our view on the importance of English speaking ability. After hearing from the interviews that the contest has had positive effects on them, this contest has to be continued.

Although these subjects can be hard for some students, if the objective of this contest is not changed, the purpose which aims to make a new global leader is going to succeed.


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