Jeong Eun Kyeong, The most Influential Person in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-05 14:59:59
  • 수정 2021-07-05 15:00:24

Who do you think is the most influential person in South Korea? In South Korea, COVID-19's hero is Jeong Eun Kyeong, the director of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Why is she praised by many people?

Jeong Eun Kyeong's job is the director of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She graduated from Seoul National University of Medicine and earned a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in health and a doctoral degree in preventive medicine.

She is highly praised for her sincerity, calmness and calm, response, and communication with the public. She held a briefing on the COVID-10 situation last year without missing a day, and she leads South Korea's quarantines to success. So, we can see her changed image. Her first briefing image was with no gray hair, but now, she has gray hair. Her image is also the reason why she is admired by people.

▲ We can know about her sincerity by this picture.

As her response is the leading reason for the success of South Korea's quarantine, there are many titles for her as well. The 2020-Time even named her one of the 100 most influential leaders. Also, her other titles are "Real Hero, Virus Hunter" and many more. Her achievements are also introduced in foreign media because she leads the success of South Korea's quarantine.

▲ Time selected her one of The 100 Most Influential People of 2020.

Also, Jeong Eun Kyeong's humility can be seen in her interview. She expressed her gratitude by mentioning that her leadership is highly praised by all related ministries, local governments, health, and medical personnel, and the people beyond the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

▲ Moon Jae-in Time magazine chief of the expertise and preparedness through the introduction of the guild president, communications, integrity and national k - Introduce the secret leads to the success their guard. The photo shows President Moon listening t

Jeong Eun Kyeong's sincerity, calmness, and humility as a leader made her the hero of South Korea. She is doing her best in her work, and her titles followed naturally. There is a saying that says, "If you think quietly and calmly, nothing will come undone." This is from McIlan. Like this saying, Jeong Eun Kyeong did her work calmly and she leads South Korea's quarantine to success. This is why she is praised by many people.


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