The Job of Nurses대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:17:40
  • 수정 2021-07-16 10:21:55

Do you know what nurses do? These days, COVID-19 is continuously becoming the most serious problem with an increasing number of infection cases. Nurses help patients be treated and vaccinated. Also, the work of nurses requires various skills. Without a doubt, the job of nurses is a promising job and seems to play an important role in the years to come.

▲ A nurse helps patient with a doctor

First, nurses help patients and assist doctors in a hospital. They usually measure body temperature and pulse, plan for health awareness, and conduct health activities. They help patients to recover. In an interview with a nurse who works in Daegu Hospital, she said that the most important thing to become a nurse is in mind. It is because nurses need to practice consideration and be responsible for the patients. The job of nurses is hard because it costs them strength. In addition, she wanted to tell those who dream to be a nurse to read books about body structure or to study each of the coping methods as it will help them when they become a nurse. In another interview with Choi Jiyoung, who works at Konkuk University, she said that it is important to smile for the patients. Smiling can give them positive effects and be pleased. Also, nurses should have bright faces. Choi Ji-young is called a smiling angel by patients.

To become a nurse, one should go to a nursing department and a university. First in rank among the universities, in Seoul is KC University. Second in rank is the Catholic Sangji College in Kyeongbuk. These three universities have nursing departments. Also, Seoul University, Yonsei University, and Korea University are the best among all universities in South Korea. To go to these universities, it is important to have good grades. The Catholic university in Seoul requires essay screening and academic reports 3.2. Yonsei University requires academic reports 2.8. Most hospitals require at least 2.5.

▲ A nurse treats patients

The reasons why people like nurses are various. First, the nurse's income is high. Additionally, the Severance Hospital's annual income for nurses is 48 million, 43 million in Asan Medical Center and 42 million in Seoul University. These three hospitals offer nurses the best annual income. Second, nurses help people when they are sicked. Nurse help sick people with more details than doctors because they spend way more time with patients. This helps them feel rewarded when sick people overcome the disease.

To become a nurse, there are many requirements. If you want to be a nurse, you should study in the department of nurses. Also, the job of nurses is important for people. Thus, a nurse is a promising job in the future.


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