Science Performance Asseement대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:27:15

We had a science assessment project in Hakseong Middle School. It was the first project for all of the Hakseong middle school year one. This project was held on June first. The theme of this project is to introduce the powers used in the Olympic events. The purpose of this project is to see the fundamental concept of the year of the students by a science teacher. Also, to give grades for this project since year one is a free semester system.

▲ Students participated in a science project

The project was held in a group of two. All of the students were able to choose their partners. So, most of the students chose their friends to be their partners. The reason why they chose each other was that since it was the first project in the new school, most of the students were not familiar with each other. Based on the topic, a student called Kim Jun-hyun selected the topic about archery and the reason was that it had a lot of powers used in it. After his group has finished researching the powers which are used in archery, they printed the pictures which are related to archery. When they got all the materials they need, they went to school and finished the project by sticking the pictures and writing the information.

▲ first science project assessment

After doing this project the science teacher told the students the score and the ranks in each class. Kim Jun-hyun was the first in the class. The teacher said that they had all the things she mentioned, and they added the justice of the powers that is used in the archery which gave them a bonus point.

After finishing all of the projects, Kim Jun-hyun said that he felt relieved since it was the first project. It is because he earned a lot of knowledge about science and archery. Also, he had learned how to work in a group with good teamwork.


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