An Effective School Project for Students대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:36:44

These days, a lot of jobs emerge and disappear. However, most of the students have not yet decided on their career paths. It is a big social problem for students. So, in order to solve this social problem, Dongpyoeng Middle School had a job experience program in June.

▲ promising jobs in the future

A job experience allows students to study and to experience the jobs that they want to experience. First, students think about what kind of job they want to experience. They can experience many jobs, they like such as a baker, a physiotherapist, a stylist, a carpenter, a researcher, and an athlete. Second, they listen to the job descriptions and experience their chosen jobs. After they experience them, they write a job report and think about their career again.

▲ The students are taking a job experience.

A Dongpyeong Middle School student, Kang, said it was a good project to find his career path. He was not thinking about his career path but in the process of thinking about what kind of job he would like to take on and experience. He was able to think seriously about his career path. After writing a job experience report, he was able to think about the job he wanted again. This project helped him a lot to think about his career path. Also, a reporter, Nam, said that it is a helpful project for students to decide on their career paths.

In fact, most Dongpyeong Middle School students were satisfied with this project, and they started to think about their career paths seriously. In a survey about the job experience, more than 80 percent of the students said they were satisfied.

This project about job experience is what most schools hold as a mandatory school project. Like Dongpyeong Middle School, a lot of middle schools in Ulsan have started to hold job experience.

By Doh Seunghyun


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