A Healthy Playground in My Town대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:42:47
  • 수정 2021-07-16 10:43:20

Nowadays, many people in the world take care of themselves to avoid getting serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, skin disease, osteoporosis, and myocardial infarction. However, no matter how they try hard to prevent these diseases, they cannot evade these. So, when they contract a disease, they have to go to the hospital. In my town, there is an event in 2021 May called Healthy Playground that helps patients.

▲ A person who works out on the Healthy Playground

In Healthy Playground, there are many famous doctors who diagnose the diseases. They check the patients and tell them their diseases. If there are people who do not have a disease, then the doctors tell them what disease they are most susceptible to. After that, when the diagnosis is finished, the doctors will give them the prescription. This is the special thing about this program which is different from other hospitals because there is an explanation about how to exercise to fight the disease and follow the prescription.

▲ A child playing without a smartphones

There are exercises that the doctors teach to the people. These lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. One of the citizens, Seoung-hyeon Do, who is living in that neighborhood said that he once had diabetes, but one of the doctors who worked at the event's hospital gave him a prescription, and he swallowed a pill down while doing the recommended exercises. After a few weeks, he felt that his body was getting better. She said that it was extremely helpful! Also, there is a playground for the children. These days, smartphone addiction is the disease that most children have. So, the playground can encourage children to play outside instead of using smartphones. Also, there are many foods which are helpful for the children's growth.

The main purpose of this event is to help people who do not have money to go to the hospital. People living around the neighborhood go to the event's hospital when the event weeks come. Nowadays, it is changing from a neighborhood event to a nationwide event.


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