Grenfell Tower fire accident대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-14 18:11:17

 On June 14, a high-rise apartment building in London caught fire and was burned out. The name of the apartment is Grenfell Tower, which is 24 stories tall. In the fire, the building was burned down less than an hour after the fire broke. Many people around the world are mourning for the victims of the Grenfell Tower Fire Accident.

 The fire broke out at 0:54 a.m. A fire broke out on the fourth floor of the building, and the resident reported it. At 1:15 a.m., the fire spread rapidly and climbed up to the 17th floor. Firefighters are exhausted after work. Around 1:30 a.m., the fire has already devoured the whole building. The fire continued until around 8 a.m. About 50 wounded workers were evacuated to hospitals. Firefighters were working hard to extinguish the fire. Police said at least 79 people died. Fire authorities estimate the blaze originated from a refrigerator explosion in a house on the fourth floor of the building.

 The apartment. built in 1974. does not have sprinklers. So. firemen could not put down the fire quickly. Furthermore, some have analyzed that the building renovations that ended last year was the cause of the fire. Moreover, there are suspicions that the outer wall finishes had aluminium composite cladding materials that are vulnerable to fire. So, the fire was able to spread throughout the building quickly. Innocent lives were sacrificed as a result of the poor fire prevention system in the building.

Many casualties resulted from the fire. However, the fire would have been extinguished quickly if the fire protection system was put in place. All of us should wake up to the neccessity of safety. Only a safe society can lead to a good society. I think we should repair buildings vulnerable to fire accidents as soon as possible to ensure safe lives.

June 23th by Park Seong-uck


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