Current Restriction for COVID-19 in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:10:27

South Korea is in the worst situation. On July 8, South Korea logged its highest daily total of 1316 cases. Ministry of Health and Welfare in South Korea announced a new regulation for this situation in the Seoul area until July 25. Starting from Monday, social distancing in the Seoul area will be raised to the highest in the four-tier system.

▲ The number of people who have COVID-19 are increasing.

In the new regulation, private gatherings of more than four people are banned, and after 6 p.m., gatherings are limited to two people. Families are not subject to such restrictions. In sports facilities, a maximum of two hours is allowed per person at indoor sports facilities, and all sports facilities will close at 10 p.m. In school and educational facilities, online classes will be started on July 14, and private academics must be closed at 10 p.m., and can only allow one person per 8 square meters. In events, weddings and funerals are limited to family members and relatives with a maximum of 49 people. Sports will be played without spectators. Religious events will be operated online. In multiuse facilities, it must close at 10 p.m., and nightclubs, bars, and other entertainment facilities will shut down. In companies, it is recommended to let 30 percent of staff work from home.

▲ To protect ourselves from COVID-19, wearing a mask is essential.

Because of the new regulation, the Olympic football team is adjusting to playing games without spectators. In business, especially a small business owner will be given irreparable damage, and they reacted angrily to the social distancing rules. Also, because of the changing regulation, owners of restaurants, bars, and other nightlife establishments are expressing worries over their chances of survival. Moreover, local banks will adjust their operating hours to between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the nation's major lenders are increasing the proportion of staff who works from home.

July 17th, 2021

by Lee Seung Woo


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