Gimje Horizon Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:12:28

Gimje Horizon Festival is a festival that is held in Beokgolje every October. Over millions of tourists visit this festival and enjoy the different programs every year. At this festival, there are many interesting things and enjoyable programs for people.

This festival is held for Gimje's historicity of farming culture. It has been held every October since 1999. It originated from Gimje Day for the citizens. Its theme is "sky and land meeting at the horizon", and this helps increase farmers' income. People can see a wonderful landscape, too. Ministry of Culture has assigned this festival as the top culture tourism festival for eight years, and it is selected as South Korea's representative festival.

▲ A picture of Gimje Horizon Festival

There are many programs at Gimje Horizon Festival. You can enjoy Byeokgolje Legend Ssangyong play. It is folk-based on the construct fable. Also, you can enjoy the Ipseok tug of war and torch parade. Ipseok tug of war is a tug of war wherein men and women match for the bumper year. In the torch parade, tourists can participate in it, and they reenact the fight of a blue dragon and white dragon. For families, they can enjoy kite flying, catching of grasshopper, horse cart riding, and straw and plants handicraft making. Children can experience the classical scholar. Also, a village school teacher teaches children. Many families like this program. You can enjoy more programs at this festival.

▲ A program of Gimje Horizon Festival

Many Japanese, Chinese, and Southeast Asian people visit South Korea to enjoy Gimje Horizon Festival, and this festival interacts with Washington State Fair. This festival shows nongak plan performance, and it gives pleasure to a makgeoli public relations officer. Gimje Horizon Festival is a Korean representative agriculture festival. You can enjoy a variety of programs and beautiful landscapes at the Gimje Horizon Festival.

July 17th, 2021

by Wang Jiho


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