Gambling Prevention Education in Sinjung Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:45:22

Most of the middle schools have creative experience classes once a week. Students watch some videos about prevention and how to save themselves, For example, schools require students to watch how to escape from earthquakes and what to do when their houses are on fire. In Sinjung Middle School, the school made students watch a movie about gambling as part of the prevention education.

The things that students did in the gambling prevention education were simple.

▲ The Movie, ˝Holic˝

First, the students watched a short movie called "Holic". Holic is a movie about a teenage girl who became addicted to gambling, but she finally got a normal life like her friends. To simply say the summary of the movie, middle-aged students went to a PC room to register for an idol's concert with their friends. Then, she met a man who was doing gambling on a computer. The man asked her to do it just one time, so she tried, and she got money. After she got some money from gambling, she became addicted to it. She always went to the PC room after school and was absent from her academies. She became aggressive and violent, too. One day, she came home late because of gambling in the PC room. She was scolded by her mother, and she met her friend the next day. Her friend gave her advice to stop gambling and to study for the final test. After meeting her friend, she stopped doing gambling, and she became a normal student. After watching this movie, the students needed to write a report about what they had watched and what they learned through this prevention education.

Although the school had required students to participate in this prevention education necessarily, there

▲ The Sinjung Middle School

are some pros and cons about this education. The manager of the creative experience class said that students might be addicted to gambling, so even if it can help students, it is just a little. However, students who participated in the prevention education said that they thought it is a waste of time. They would never do gambling. However, if they had to do and failed in getting money, they would quit and stop doing it right away. Also, they added that schools do not need to require them to write a report. The conflict still remains between the school and the students, but the Sinjung middle school will probably think of holding a prevention education again.


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