South Korea‘s Heat Wave and Heavy Rain대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-21 09:23:28

Summer has started in South Korea. As a result of global warming, the temperature of South Korea is very high. It is very hot like a tropical climate. So, South Korea is classified as a subtropical climate. As a result of these things, a heatwave in South Korea is very serious. Also, heavy rain is very serious as the result of the north pacific ocean's high pressure.

▲ 2018 South Korea`s heat wave

Korean Meteorological Administration issues heatwaves in almost all parts of South Korea. According to the weather center, the daily temperature hovered around 32 degrees Celsius according to the forecast. Unfortunately, a soldier of the South Korea Army died in his boots because of the training and heatwave. Also, heavy rain was very serious. In some regions, heavy rain was a nuisance. Even landslides occurred because of the heavy rain. It rained 70 mm per hour.

▲ heat wave on South Korea

Some people do not take this problem seriously while other people do. According to the survey, many people think a heatwave was as just a hot day and heavy rain as just a rainy day. They do not take them as serious matters. However, every year, lots of people die because of these disasters. At least 40 people have died each year for the last three years. In 2011, 78 people died because of heat waves. Also, in 2020, 8 people died because of the heavy rain, and 8184 people lost their homes because of it. In 2018, in some regions, the daily temperature approached 40 degrees Celsius. To deal with a heatwave, you should try not to go outside. Also, you should not leave the children and the old people in the car for a long time. In case of heavy rain, you should check your window. The shatter-proof glass will help to protect you from heavy rain. Moreover, you should check the shelter you will go to in an emergency situation, and you should prepare safety measures in case you get cast away.

▲ damages of heavy rain

We are dealing with heatwave and heavy rain as if they are nothing. However, that is absolutely wrong. Although South Korea's climate is good for people, you should know these things to have a safe and happy life.

by Seo Jun Woo


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