A Unique School Project Which Co-exists with Nature대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 07:36:03

In school, there is something as important as an exam. It is a school project. Most especially, this year, Guyeong Middle School's project in science made students not only learn but also save nature.

▲ Picture of Guyeong Middle School

The process of the science project has three stages. First, students should search on the Internet and write about the differences between recycled aluminum cans and aluminum cans made through the ore. Also, students should answer the questions made by the science teacher. Second, students need to draw pictures that promote "Can Crush Challenge" Can Crush Challenge is a challenge that requires people to crush aluminum cans in order to block foreign substances. So, they can make more recycled aluminum cans. Then, students will post it on SNS mentioning someone to do that challenge next. Third, students should try to crush cans and post about them on an online bulletin board. Through this, many students will crush cans and participate in the "Can Crush Challenge".

▲ Information of Can Crush Challenge

Students have learned and experienced things through the school science project. A Guyeong Middle School student, Yun Hyejung, who joined this project talked about her thoughts and feeling when she finished the project. She said she was able to learn how to save our nature in an ordinary way. Also, because of this science project, she was able to know why we should recycle and how to decrease carbon dioxide emissions. With this as momentum, she became interested in the way to save nature and how to prevent ecological destruction. She believed it was a really good chance for her.

As a result, many students in Guyeong Middle School enjoyed this year's school science project, and they thought that it would be an unforgettable memory. In addition, they said they learned many things through this project. Thus, they became more concerned about our surrounding environment and endangered species.

By Goo Min Jung


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