The Influence of ITZY All Around the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:20:17

ITZY is a five-member group from JYP Entertainment. It consists of Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna. ITZY, which means there is everything that fans hoped for in an idol group within! Itzy has been considered one of the next-generation K-Pop's leading players since their debut. They have lots of influence all around the world, which led them to get their popularity. Then, recently, they released their new English album.

▲ A five-member group from JYP Entertainment, ITZY

As the group debuted at JYP Entertainment, which is called a big entertainment, ITZY members have received a lot of attention from the beginning. Because of their popularity, they have good results on album scores and music broadcasting. Their album sales, which show the strength of the fandom, are steadily increasing. The number of their SNS followers and subscribers is also in the top ranks compared to other girl groups. Also, they have good reactions on YouTube. For "Mafia in the Morning" Youtube MV, they had a breakthrough for reaching 100 million views in the shortest period of time. Also, they charted in the U.S. Billboard main chart. It represents that they have recorded excellent work in global marketing. Then, ITZY has established itself as the representative runner of the fourth generation girl group. Plus, all five members have included in 2021 May idol personal brand reputation.

▲ ITZY`s latest album `Guess Who`

ITZY topped the list of music shows based on girl group debut songs. They are also the only record among girl groups that topped three terrestrial broadcasters with their debut songs. Also, they received about 14 big awards in 2019 and 16 awards in 2020.

ITZY will stay in all fans' hearts forever, and all of us will remember them as a fourth-generation K-pop girl group after they will finish their activities. We must cherish the excellent girl group, ITZY.

By Kim Ji Won


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