Namoe Middle School‘s Athletics Meeting대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:22:37

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, many events have been canceled. Now, some events are held with enough social distancing. If participants of school events observe the social distancing, it will be possible to hold them this year.

▲ Namoe Middle School

To start with, I want to introduce Namoe Middle School's field day. Namoe Middle School held an athletics meeting in 2019. However, as the effect of COVID-19, the event was not held in 2020. There are many events in this athletics a flash mob by class, jump relay lines, an eight-character jump rope with the homeroom teacher, a one-legged fight, a three-legged race, pumping a brass bridge (notdari babgi), and a relay race.

This is the way how students play the events. In these events, different scores are given according to the ranking. Only 20 students participate in relay jump rope, the 10 students who arrive at the finish line will be the winner. All students participate in eight shapes for two minutes, and the homeroom teacher needs to rate the rope. Next, the chicken fight’s time limit is three minutes, and five boys should participate. On the other hand, the three-legged race is a race wherein eight girls should participate, and four groups come back to halfway point relay.

▲ Tug-of-war

There are some ways to hold the field day this year. Firstly, students can hold the event for each grade. If the event is held by each grade, the scale of the event will naturally get smaller. Secondly, students can devise the event by minimizing the contact.

Many students are willing to hold their school events, not only the students in Namoe Middle School but almost all the students in the world. I look forward to social distancing and safe events.

By Han Yunsuh


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