Yoon Yeo Jung: A Great Actress대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:27:45
  • 수정 2021-08-07 08:28:07

Yoon Yeo Jung is now the most popular actress in South Korea. She is popular not only in South Korea but also all over the world. It is because she won the Academy Award. She is the first person in South Korea to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Yoon Yeo Jung started her life as an actress in 1996 for TBC Talent. She acted in many dramas and movies. In the movie, "Hwagyeo", she became a star and continued her career as an actress. However, after her marriage to Cho Yeong Nam, she lived in Florida with her husband for 13 years. Nevertheless, she divorced his husband and came back to South Korea. She started acting again to raise her two sons. Then, she was recognized by many people as a great actress. In 2021, the movie, "Minari", was released. Yoon Yeo Jung took the role of Sunja, a grandmother who lives with her grandchild in her daughter's house due to changes in the environment. In this movie, she won the Academy Award. She is the first person in South Korea to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

▲ This is part of the movie, ˝Minari˝, which Yoon Yeo Jung get the Academy Award.

Many people all over the world pay their tribute of praise to Yoon Yeo Jung. As for her speech in the Academy Awards, people think she is sensitive, humorous, and wise. They said she used sensitive expressions. Also, they like her because Yoon Yeo Jung is similar to their grandmother. Not only her speech but also her fashion is being popular. Her bag, her skirt, and her fashion in the airport are getting popular. Many people think Yoon Yeo Jung's fashion is very stylish.

▲ Yoon Yeo Jung`s new profile. She is now hottest person in all over the world.

Yoon Yeo Jung is the first person in South Korea to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She proved Korean actresses' greatness and made cinematic quality high. Meanwhile, she is going to act in the new movie, "Pachinko." People look forward to her new movie and her acting.

By Gyurin Kang.


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