A School Festival in the COVID-19 Pandemic 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:47:22

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many quarantine rules that stress the students. In addition, the rate of the COVID-19 cases are getting higher and higher. The percentage of the schools holding an online class is getting higher as well. This online class can be more convenient and faster than the ordinary class, but in the examination period, the students only have to study the subjects by watching videos and attending a live streaming class online. So, the stress of the students is getting higher. We need a solution for this. So, some schools decided to initiate a school festival that follows the quarantine rules in September.

▲ South Korean COVID-19 cases rate

Not to violate the quarantine rules, the people who are not vaccinated and do not wear a mask cannot participate in the festival. Also, the date of the festival is changed after the vaccinating of the teachers. The activities are almost the same. There are many activities that were commonly held before that are kept. So, students can enjoy activities such as playing games, watching movies, eating food. However, the online class cannot provide outdoor sports or other activities. Students are still struggling with this online class. So, accepting the opinion of the students, the percentage of outdoor activities should be increased. This will surely give positive effects on the students.

Also, the rates of COVID-19 cases are increasing, so the students are self-isolating. They cannot take part in the proposed festival, there are solutions for this. The online streaming of the festival can greatly help the students who are self-isolating. It can be streamed on YouTube. So, they can watch the different activities that are included in the festival.

▲ Schools began a transfer to the online class.

The rate of COVID-19 cases is getting higher. The quarantine period is getting longer. Also, the students' daily routine is totally changed. To adjust to this unpredictable situation, the festival should be changed totally by accommodating the change. This form of  festival is a great solution for students who cannot go out to enjoy and participate in any activities that are conducted by the schools.

Kang Chae Won


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