Actual condition of teenager health대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-14 18:41:57

 A diet is a limit on the amount of food or foods that you eat for health or beauty. Excessive obesity causes various adult diseases and interferes with social life, thus there is importance in maintaining proper weight through diet. But the problem lies in that diet is pushing our teens to a number diet of physical and mental problems, despite the fact that many teenagers we have plenty of good looking or slimmer bodies. Reckless diets among teenagers can cause osteoporosis, liver disease, and mental illness. If you go on a diet such as a through one food diet, you can experience a yoyo weight loss/gain effect, loss of nutrients, loss of hair, and dehydration. Also, since there are many kinds of stress during adolescence, there is a high risk of exposure to gastritis and ulcers.

 One of the correct ways to prevent this is physical diaries. A diary helps identify a way for you to get fit and healthy。It answers questions such as 'what do I eat' and 'what do I do?' After writing a diary, the problem of obesity becomes visible in the lifestyle pattern. Finding ways to solve this problem through a meal diary is the most appropriate diet method for yourself. Another healthy path is physical activity. First of all, it is better to do physical activity to lose weight. Aerobic exercise is breathtaking。Aerobic exercise can provide a maximum amount of oxygen to the body with exercise that is challenging. This improves the functioning of the heart and lungs and has the ability to build strong vascular tissue. Example of such exercise are, swimming, walking, bicycling, tennis, and skipping rope.

 Programs for health are generally recommended to be carried out in the right way according to the characteristics of the seasons and the circumstances。In particular, obtaining health can result from a variety of methods, such as exercise and diet, can result in damage to health if conducted in the wrong way. Teenagers live with a lot of anxiety and stress compared to adults, This stress includes with peers and interest in grades and physical changes. When you go on a diet, it's important for adults to minimize the these stresses cause. Even though the situation is more realistic than the concentrating on objective and negative communication, it helps to minimize the stress of children.

 There is a relatively high proportion of the rate of diet information obtained from various media or surrounding areas。Therefore, education for health care should be advanced beforehand so that our children can prevent themselves from taking part in voluntary impulse diets. People must start to think that "Health of adolescents is the health of Korea。"


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