How Soccer and Baseball in Tokyo Olympic Will Progress대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:55:01

Soon, Tokyo Olympics will start. Some people look forward to starting this event. Because of the Pandemic, it is delayed until the time it is mitigating. In this Olympics, there are many types of sports, but we have no choice but to tell you about soccer and baseball for accurate information.

▲ Cheering for our Olympic Teams!

The soccer contest will be from July 21 to August. Olympic soccer consists of fourteen countries. Among them, there are four groups which consist of four teams. South Korea, New Zealand, Honduras, Romania. Evaluation on how better Korea will do is that experts say in this group, except for New Zealand, other countries are similar to each other. Also, the players of Olympic mostly consist of a soccer player who is under 24 but there are wild cards which mean that we can use all player up to three. In Korea, the players who are chosen as wild cards are Hwang Ui-jo, Kwon Chang-hoon, and Kim Min-Jae.

▲ Hope Great Grade to Our Soccer Team!

From July 29 until August 7, the baseball Olympics will be begun. This is different from another baseball Olympic because there are six teams and the baseball Olympics will be from July 29 to August 7. the players such as Ryu Hyun-jin, Kim Kwang-hyun cannot join the Olympic, Countries which join this game are members of Japan, Korea, Mexico, Israel, America, and the Dominican Republic. The way to progress the game is a consolation match. Because there are fewer countries, WBSC has no choice but to adopt the consolation match. The best grade for Korea to get his gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. At that time, The team, Korea, achieved a series of five wins. Again, The team, South Korea will try to get more gold medals.

By Park Woo Jin


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