2020 Tokyo Olympics대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:58:54

The Olympics is an international competition in which athletes from all over the world participate in sporting events in summer and winter. The largest sporting event in the world, the Olympics, is held every two years, the alternation between the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. Also, it is supervised by IOC (International Olympics Committee). The origin of the Olympics was the Ancient Olympian Games held in Olympia, Greece. Nowadays, to succeed 2018 Winter Olympics which was held in South Korea, specifically in PyeongChang, Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo on July 23. However, because of COVID-19, Japan government got in trouble to host the Olympics.

▲ This is an ancient Olympic painting on a vase of ancient Greece.

On July 8, Tokyo Olympic Korean team had an inaugural meeting. To prevent COVID-19, only one leader and one athlete from each sport attended the event. Else, Prime Minister Kim Boo-yum, chairman of the Korea Sports Council Lee Ki-heung, and the team leader Jang In-hwa attended. A total of 232 Korean athletes are going to participate in these Olympic games. Among them, Women's volleyball player Kim Yeon -koung and shooting player Jin Jong-oh were appointed as team leaders. Ostensibly, our Olympic team's goal is getting seven gold medals and getting into the top ten countries.

▲ This is the Tokyo Olympic Korean team participating in the Olympic decisive ceremony.

However, this time, there is much controversy about the Olympics itself. First of all, the biggest problem is COVID-19. Japan, where the Olympics will be held, issued a fourth infection risk warning. It was also announced that 80 percent of all matches will be held unattended to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Not only Japanese people but also the whole world are concerned about hosting the Olympics due to the fading purpose and meaning of the Olympics.

Olympic is a festival of the whole world. I hope everyone in the world enjoys the Olympics.

July 27th, 2021

by Ju Yup Je


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